Frequently Asked Questions of Road Cargo System




Shipper / Freight Forwarder / Agent

Truck Drivers

Token Replacement (Applicable to expiring/expired token only)


1. Road Cargo System (ROCARS)(『道路貨物資料系統』)has been rolled out. When will it become mandatory?
The ROCARS was officially launched on 17 May 2010. The 18-month transitional period has expired and it has started its mandatory implementation on 17 November 2011.

2. Do I need to pay for the registration and / or using the system functions of the ROCARS?
It is totally free of charge.

3. What are the requirements for a computer to access ROCARS through Internet?
The system requirements are as follows:
System required configuration
OS and Browser
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 11
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Mac OS X
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Chinese Character Support
Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS-2001)
Software for Opening Documents (Optional)
Adobe Reader

Although we make our best effort to test our online services with the latest version of the browser, it takes time to perform testing. If you experience any issues in using online services, please report to 24 hours ROCARS hotline at 3669 0000.

4. Is ROCARS accessible to the browser of Safari?
ROCARS is not yet accessible to the browser of Safari. The system now supports the browsers of Firefox and Chrome. User can use the supported browser versions for cargo information submission to ROCARS.

5. What is ROCARS secure pack?
It is a sealed envelope containing a user ID and a password for user to access to the ROCARS.

6. What is ROCARS security-token?
It is a device displaying security code solely for truck driver to perform the bundling.

7. What kinds of digital certificates are accepted by ROCARS?
Currently, ROCARS accepts two kinds of digital certificate :-
(a) E-certificate issued by the Hong Kong Post; and
(b) ID-Cert (Class 1 and 2 only) issued by the Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited.
Both personal and organizational certificates issued by the two organizations are accepted.

Please note that the company's Business Registration No. and the name of the Authorized Delegates listed in the organizational digital certificates have to be the same as those in the ROCARS applications.

8. Can I ask someone to submit the advance cargo information and bundle on my behalf? Where can I find the registered ROCARS Agents?
Yes, you can ask a registered ROCARS Agent to do it for you. Please refer to the web page of the List of Agents to find the list of registered ROCARS Agents who consent to post their company information for public enquiry.



1. When & how can I register with the ROCARS?
Starting from 22 January 2010, shippers, truck drivers and agents may fill in the on-line registration forms at the ROCARS website ( through the Internet or submit the hard copy registration form to the C&ED by:

Post to P.O. Box No.38, General Post Office; or
Fax to 2364 9772 / 2365 9755; or
Dropping it into the collection box at any of the ROCARS Registration Centres.

2. Where can I obtain the registration forms?
Download via the ROCARS website:;
Call the ROCARS Call Centre at 3669 0000;
Call the fax-on-demand at 2815 7711; and
Collect at any of the ROCARS Registration Centres.

3. What forms should be used for registration?
The following prescribed registration forms are to be used:

Shipper (Company / Organization)
Shipper (Person)
Agent (Company)
Truck Driver
Shipper (Company) and Agent (Company)
Truck Driver and Shipper (Person)

4. Where are the ROCARS Registration Centres?
For details of the ROCARS Registration Centres, please click here.

5. What are the opening hours of ROCARS Registration Centres?
Hong Kong
General Post Office
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mon to Sat
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sun
Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mon to Sat
Mong Kok Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Cheung Sha Wan Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Kowloon Bay Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Kwun Tong Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
New Territories
Sha Tin Central Post Office
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Fo Tan Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Shek Wu Hui Post Office
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Tsuen Wan Post Office
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Yuen Long Post Office
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat
Tung Chung Post Office
9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon to Fri
9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sat


Shipper / Freight Forwarder / Agent

1. When should a shipper or freight forwarder submit the advance cargo information via ROCARS?
Shipper or freight forwarder can submit the cargo information any time between 30 minutes and 14 days before the cargo consignment enters or exits Hong Kong by truck.

2. Can I amend the submitted road cargo data in ROCARS?
Yes, you can amend the submitted road cargo data in ROCARS before the truck driver bundles the consignment.

3. I am a shipper / freight forwarder, can I ask the transportation company or logistics company to submit the road cargo information on my behalf?
Yes, as long as the transportation company or logistics company has registered as a ROCARS agent, he can submit the cargo information on your behalf.

4. My company's business is importing cargo through trucks to Hong Kong. How should I submit the information through ROCARS?
Any shipper company or freight forwarder has to register as ROCARS user before using the system. The application criteria are:-
Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate;
E-certificate issued by the Hong Kong Post or ID-Cert (Class 1 and 2 only) issued by the Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited.
Both personal and organizational certificates issued by the two organizations are accepted.
Registered ROCARS users can input the cargo information through ROCARS via the internet anywhere.

5. I only know that the imported cargo is to be shipped to the overseas by flight. I do not have the transhipment details when I submit cargo information to ROCARS, what should I do?
Part VI – Transhipment Information is only voluntary cargo information, you can elect not to enter.

6. What is the main difference between using single submissions and batch upload? What are the advantages of each?
The single submissions are designed for the companies which handle only a small number of consignments at a time. Each single submission contains only the cargo data of one consignment. The submission can be saved as template for future submission. Only the message signatory who saved the template can have access right to the template.

The consignment batch upload template allows the companies to upload multiple consignments in one-go. Amendments to the template are no different from that to an excel file. The template can be downloaded by both registered and non-registered ROCARS users. Thus, shippers may fill in all the cargo information in the batch upload template and pass it to the forwarding agent, who is a registered ROCARS user, for the latter's submission to C&ED.

For enquiries, please call 24 hours ROCARS hotline at 3669 0000.

7. My company has registered as a ROCARS agent and is responsible to perform bundling for the cross-boundary truck driver who is holding a PRC Exit-Entry Permit which is required to be renewed on regular basis. Can I still perform the bundling when the truck driver's new PRC Exit-Entry Permit Number has not yet been passed to C&ED?
You can do the bundling act as usual. The entry of the PRC Exit-Entry Permit Number is a system identification process. However, truck driver should ensure that he is carrying valid identification document when entering or leaving Hong Kong.


Truck Drivers

1. I have received the notification letter to go to the Registration Centres to complete the remaining registration formalities. The date range specified in the letter has expired. Does the letter remain valid?
Yes. As long as you have the notification letter, you can go to any one of the Registration Centres to complete the registration.

2. How do I know whether I have registered as a truck driver under ROCARS?
You may call the 24-hour ROCARS hotline at 3669 0000 to enquire your registration status.

3. Do I need to carry the security token when I drive through the border?
No. The security token is only required when you do the bundling for the cargo. But it is recommended that you carry the security token with you so that you can use it for bundling when called for.

4. I have already registered as a truck driver under ROCARS. What should I do if I need to change the vehicle registration number of the truck I drive?
You have to complete the Information Change Form (CI(E)) and bring along the Copy of the Hong Kong Vehicle Registration Document and the Copy of the Closed Road Permit and visit any one of the Registration Centres.

5. In the course of northbound trip, if a laden goods vehicle is repatriated by the Mainland Customs/Macao Customs after going through the ROCARS and immigration departure clearance at Hong Kong land boundary control point, should the goods onboard be declared via the ROCARS and then bundled with the vehicle before it can enter Hong Kong again?
Under this circumstance, the trucker should contact the shipper and inform him (or his agent) to declare the onboard cargo information again via the ROCARS to obtain another inbound Customs Cargo Reference Number so that the trucker or the concerned agent can conduct the required bundling act before the truck can enter Hong Kong for ROCARS clearance.


Token Replacement (Applicable to expiring/expired token only)

1. I have received email / SMS / voice message in IVRS / prompt message in ROCARS reminding me to replace my ROCARS token, what should I do?
You should bring along (i) your existing token, (ii) completed “Token Replacement Form”, (iii) the original or a copy of your proof of address issued within the last three months, and (iv) identity document to the 12 designated Post Offices or the Cargo Examination Complexes in the Land Boundary Control Points for replacement as soon as possible. Otherwise your token will be expired and cannot be used.

2. Any documents I have to prepare for token replacement?
You should bring along with (i) your existing token, (ii) completed “Token Replacement Form”, (iii) the original or a copy of your proof of address issued within the last three months, and (iv) identity document.

3. If I could not replace my ROCARS token within designated period of time, what could I do?
You could authorize another person to replace the token on your behalf. The authorized representative must have attained 18 years of age or above and he/she should bring along the (i) completed “Token Replacement Form”, (ii) the original or a copy of your proof of address issued within the last three months, (iii) identity document, and (iv) Authorization letter.

4. Where can I obtain “Token Replacement Form”?
You can obtain the form at the 12 designated Post Offices or at the Cargo Examination Complexes in the Land Boundary Control Points. You can also download the form at ROCARS website:

5. Where can I obtain authorization letter?
You can obtain the authorization letter at the 12 designated Post Offices or at the Cargo Examination Complexes in the Land Boundary Control Points. You can also download the form at ROCARS website:

6. How to know if my ROCARS token needs to be replaced?
The expiring token bears a purple label at the front with the expiry date “05/31/24” printed at the back. Tokens with labels in other colors are not yet required to be replaced and their respective replacement schedule will be announced later.

7. At which land boundary control point can I replace ROCARS token?
You can replace ROCARS token at Lok Ma Chau Control Point, Man Kam To Control Point, Shenzhen Bay Control Point, Heung Yuen Wai Control Point and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port.